Contact Us

This site is designed for content to be added online and telephone support is limited.

If You are a Croydon Headteacher or member of a Croydon school’s admin staff and you have a suggestion about the design of the site or a query about a listing that needs attention please e-mail  E-mails normally get a response or action with 24 hours and are dealt with in strict chronological order.  E-mails from agencies are deleted with no response.

If you would like your details to be added to the Croydon Teachers’ Database or have queries about becoming an NQT in the borough then the Croydon Headteachers have an arrangement with the Octavo Partnership who will be able to respond to your enquiry.  Please e-mail Christine Lonsdale at or call her on 07920 657797.

If you would like to find out about the work of the CHTA, or affiliate to the association so that you can benefit from discounts with Octavo and reduced cost advertising on this site please use the contact form on the CHTA main web site – or contact Octavo who will pass your enquiry on to the right person.  Use and use the subject line ‘CHTA affiliation for …’


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